Get Involved
If you have a publication or other resource which you would like to share with others on this website, please submit it and we'll add it to our publicly available library.
Become a Volunteer Translator
Our goal is to expand knowledge. If you see a resource which would be helpful in another language, and you have the necessary multi-lingual skills, please contact us.
Request a Speaker or Film Showing
All of our films are available for free on our YouTube Channel. However, sometimes it’s helpful to have a Q&A session after seeing the film. We are happy to come to show a film, or just to talk about Condominial Sewerage.
The Appropriate Sanitation Institute needs help collecting, organizing and translating material. We also have space for a filmmaking intern from time to time.
If you are interested in doing an Internship with Condominial practitioners in Brazil or elsewhere, drop us a line and we will do our best to get you connected.